Minoan serpentine stone libation table




A carved dark grey serpentine libation table in the form of a flared conical pedestal with two broad lugs on the wide shoulder descending to a plain flat foot. As is typical of libation receptacles the interior is carved into a shallow hemispherical scoop for holding liquid offerings as opposed to a deeper opening for a storage vase.

The religious/ceremonial function of this type of vessel is attested by excavation contexts associated with sacred caves and other sanctuaries.

Despite the surface damage the overall shape and profile of the vessel is retained and it is possible to discern the dimensions of the shoulder lugs.

Crete, Minoan, Middle Minoan III to Late Minoan I, c. 1700-1450 BC

13.1 x 13.7 cms

Large surface losses as shown in the photographs

Ex. deceased estate, Cambridgeshire, UK; acquired at Bonhams Auctioneers, 16th May 2002, lot 190. Formerly in a German private collection prior to this date.
